is there a way to re-weight items in Grades for a student who missed an exam

Is there a way to re-weight items in Grades for students who missed an exam?
For example, a student missed a midterm, so now the final has more weight.


Best Answer

  • Janet.W.813
    Janet.W.813 Posts: 79
    Answer ✓

    Hi Julie.W.7,

    The options to modify a grade item would take effect for all who received the grade, not specific students.

    It is possible to provide a Final Adjusted Grade for individual students in the Gradebook. Here is a link to more information if you would like to explore that option:

    There is also an option to modify the score for a Quiz question, or the score for a Quiz attempt for an individual student, however, the key word is ATTEMPT. If the student did not complete an attempt, there would be no score to modify, so I'm not sure this would work for your case.

    Hope that helps.
