Brightspace dropping incorrect grade

Melissa.C.653 Posts: 2 New Community Member

For just one student in my class, the "drop lowest grade" option is not dropping the lowest grade (it is dropping a 75 when there is also a 0), I have many students where it is working fine, so I'm not seeing where it is my error. I have another student whose grades are very similar (2nd lowest grade is on same assignment as the student in question, and also has a 0) and the 0 is properly dropped there. Is there any way I can force an override of which grade it chooses as lowest? Of course I can recalculate the grade myself but that's less desirable. Of course I'd like it to just drop the proper one, but I've just can't see how to make that happen. (Screenshot below: red circled is bad one, green circled is good similar one). Thanks in advance.



  • Hi @Melissa.C.653

    Welcome to the Brightspace Community.

    Since SUNY-Binghamton is entitled to support from the D2L Helpdesk, I recommend you open a support ticket so that they can investigate your grade book further and suggest ways to fix it.

    I hope this helps.

  • Jennifer.W.973
    Jennifer.W.973 Posts: 413 🎆

    @Melissa.C.653 Hi Melissa, sometimes D2L indicates the wrong score is being dropped but the calculation is actually correct. If you look at the category total for these students and manually do the calculation, are they correct?