AI statement prompt

Shira.C.1023 Posts: 2 🔍
edited December 2024 in Development

This is a shot-in-the-dark question but I think it would serve folks beyond me and my class. Here's what I would love to see and why.

Over the last year, I've had a moving target policy regarding AI use in essay writing for assignments. I allow students to use AI in certain contexts (which I outline in my syllabus and in class). But, regardless of whether students use AI they are required to make an AI use statement. This statement either specifically says they didn't use AI, OR says how they used it (I tell them that it's useful if they include prompts, as well) so I can give them feedback not just on their writing but their AI use.

Most students do this most of the time, but I'm finding that this is creating a whack-a-mole problem where every week someone forgets. I don't like giving "U"s for this and sending it back (particularly if the essay is otherwise good) BUT because I use an S/U ungrading system, I either have to do that or I have to ignore the lack of statement when it happens. Neither of these things are ideal.

Moving towards next semester planning, here's what I'm wondering: Is there any way to set up a prompt when students submit assignments that is either an additional field or checkbox where they have to declare the nature of AI use? Then it can not be in the assignment and I can just have it on record to check when I need it. Certainly, I can ask them to add it just into the field when they submit, but I guarantee that I'll be in the same position where always one person forgets.

I imagine that other faculty might like this option too! Any chance that this might be a new ELC feature, now that we are rapidly careening towards the age of artificial intelligence?

Thanks for considering!

