When are you fixing the sticky note glitch?
You have been aware of the sticky note glitches when writing online feedback for months. Specifically, the cursor skips to the start of the sentence when writing a note. When is this going to be fixed???
Hello @Christina.T.1699, thanks for reaching out and sharing your experience about this known issue. It's not an experience we want for you and we're currently working on a fix. Appreciate your patience while we sort it out and we will definitely update the community once a workaround is available.
If there's anything else I could help out with, please let me know!
You can help by fixing it. This was never an issue for years, and it's suddenly happening every single time. It is extremely frustrating. What is the time line for making this feature work properly?
Hello Christina, I truly understand your concerns. I want to assure you that our team is fully aware of this issue and actively working to resolve it. We don’t have a confirmed timeline yet, but we will make sure to share updates as soon as they’re available.
Seems a bit crazy this isn't fixed yet.