New Content Experience - missing Overview and Search

We are looking to implement the New Content Experience as the default for new course offerings, but there are two elements that we currently use in the "Old" Content Experience which seem to disappear when toggling on the NCE.
- The "Overview" at the top of the Content menu we use to introduce each course with key learning outcomes.
- The Search button exists in the old UI but disappears when enabling NCE
I could create a new unit at the top of the Content section labelled "Overview" but aside from that, wondering whether anyone was in a similar position and developed a workaround?
For the overview, those caused so many problems over the years. The usage isn’t tracked in content statistics and you cannot use release conditions. Students on mobile had a lot of trouble and often missed these and faculty didn’t know students were not seeing the content there. We suggest that faculty create a new page. Or use the module page that is otherwise blank.
Search is coming in December based on current 90 day roadmap. For now we can only turn off new content, search, turn it back on. That’s not ideal. Ironically we struggled to get users to find and use search. So bringing it back might help us call better attention to it.