Learners missing the "launch unit" button?

Maureen.B.923 Posts: 128 🧭

I'm curious how everyone else teaches their users how to navigate courses.

Our courses all have a Widget based homepage with a Visual Table of Contents. Sometimes learners somehow get stuck on the Content page. I've received feedback that they don't realize that, in order to read the info in the Unit/Lesson page, they have to click the Launch Unit/Launch Lesson button.

Instead the learners click on the unit names themselves (highlighted in green). This expands the lesson, but then they have to click on the Launch Unit/Lesson button in order to open the main unit/lesson page.

  1. Does anyone have recommended language/lessons/teaching to guide people to click the Launch Unit/Lesson button?
  2. I've submitted a PIE https://desire2learn.brightidea.com/ideas/D11645 to suggest alternative UX options that might work.
