Where does "Course Section Code" live within the Analytics Builder Datasets?

I am looking to develop a report for uploading into Ellucian's CRM Advise. This will require me to use the "Course Section Code" which lives in the All Grades Advanced Data Set but there is no All Grades Data set within Report builder. Goal is to make the tables within Analytics builder without having to develop a script to edit the CSV from the All Grades dataset.
Best Answer
@Eric.K.464 It should still be that field since that's the only code tied to org units. If the org unit type is section, then it's a section code. If the type is course offering, then it's a course offering code, etc. You can test this by navigating to a section within a course (Course Admin - Sections - click on a section name) and you'll see the Section Code on that page.
The URL to that page should include both ou and groupId at the end, such as: https://yourd2l.edu/d2l/lms/group/group_edit.d2l?ou=123456&groupId=654321
ou is the course offering OrgUnitId and the groupId is actually the section OrgUnitId in the Organizational Units data set.
@Eric.K.464 It's most likely from the Code field in Organizational Units since sections are a type of org unit.
That field appears to be mapping to Course Offering Code whereas I need Course Section Code sadly.