Pulse Notification
Posts: 6 🔍
With SMS notification within Brigthspace going away this July, I was wondering if there is a video tutorial on Pulse. I have come across a lot of helpful text based guidance on Pulse Notifications configurations but I was hoping to find a video tutorial.
https://community.d2l.com/brightspace/kb/articles/1779-view-and-configure-push-notifications-in-brightspace-pulse#:~:text=hours or days.-,Configure push notifications,-Select which push
https://community.d2l.com/brightspace/kb/articles/1779-view-and-configure-push-notifications-in-brightspace-pulse#:~:text=hours or days.-,Configure push notifications,-Select which push
Best Answers
Hi there!
Here are some helpful videos:
So helpful. Thank you Jenn
I assume the SMS options and mobile number field entry under my notification section will automatically be removed in the UI after 7/24. Will there be some introduction of Pulse under this notification section or we will only see email?
I noticed the SMS option went away in interface. Is there a new video out there that reflects this change in UI under notification settings? A newer version of this video showing current notification page without SMS option.