I am new with this program, I was just wondering how it works can anybody help me?

help me I'm new to this program


  • Stefanie.B.518
    Stefanie.B.518 Posts: 568 admin

    Hi @lisa.c.7796
    From your Community Profile it looks like you may be a student at a University.

    This website and discussion forum is a great place to find help if you're trying to learn how to do different tasks in your school's Brightspace.

    This Video Tutorial List shows you how to do many different things in Brightspace for the first time, like how to take a quiz or navigate content.

    This Documentation helps you to learn about other workflows that you may be trying to complete with more text and screenshots- but it's just for Students at University like you!

    If you're looking for a hand with something else, let us know and we'll see how we can help :)