HTML Content Pictures: Over-ridden by Banner Image

For each content area, I had individual images displayed.
For some reason, all the images for content were converted to the banner image.
My professional photo no longer displays either.

What can I do to make Brightspace see the images? They are all listed in the folder.


  • Stefanie.B.518
    Stefanie.B.518 Posts: 570 admin

    Hi @Kathleen.B.322
    Are you using an HTML Template to add your images?
    These pre-formatted pages can sometimes make it easier to style a content topic page.

    If not, these steps show how you can add an image to a regular Brightspace page.

    Don't be shy to send back a short recording or screenshot of what you're seeing- it can help me to give you more specific instructions to change up the look of the page you're working on.

  • Kathleen.B.322
    Kathleen.B.322 Posts: 5 🌱

    Hi Stefanie:

    Thank you for writing. I am new to Brightspace and have not developed or used HTML templates yet. Thanks for the nudge.

    For 2 days after I changed the course banner, that banner image overwrote the images I created within each module. I even wondered if somehow the path of the course had changed…but I don't have D2L admin rights so that seemed unlikely.

    Abstracting a long story: Suddenly all was "right" with the world when I revisited the site on Friday. My images are now the ones I designed and unique from the banner. I cannot explain this and anomalies are worrisome. But templates seem to be a path forward to avoid this in the future (I hope).

    Thanks again -


  • Stefanie.B.518
    Stefanie.B.518 Posts: 570 admin

    It sounds like things are moving in the right direction and as though you have some wonderful plans for your course!
    Cheering for you and all that you will do!