Content's Continue Button takes you to the last page you finished?

I'm not sure if this is a bug, or if I should submit a PIE.
- In the Content tool, when you reach the end of a unit and click the "I'm Done!" button.
- It returns you to the Content tool, and now it has a button called "Continue" which takes you to the last topic you completed.
- If this topic you click on Continue was the last topic in the unit, it means you get caught in a loop of Continue > I'm Done > Continue > I'm Done.
- Shouldn't it take you to the next incomplete topic/unit?
Best Answer
Thank you for raising this interesting question, and for putting thought into whether you ought to report this as a defect or feature request.
To answer your question about how we'd classify this, I would say this falls into feature request territory. That is because, although this may not reflect the user experience that you believe is most intuitive, it is technically behaving as designed.
The panel you are referring to highlights the page the learner last visited — you can think of this as a bookmark of sorts. It is not until the user decides to flip the page to the next chapter, metaphorically speaking, that the bookmark would reflect the 'next' page in the sequence. So, the actual logic being applied is 'continue' [to my last visited page] VS 'continue' [to the next page I should visit].
From a workflow perspective, once the learner reaches the end of the unit and selects 'I'm done', they will return to the content tool showing the table of contents as you've depicted above, and from there, the learner would need to click into the next unit if they wished to go to the 'next' content topic in the sequence.
I hope that helps!