Untitled Assignment in Gradebook

Good Afternoon Everyone,

I'm encountering this strange issue where an assignment I created in the content folder appears "untitled" in the grade book. It's a bit strange because if I go into the settings of the assignment, I can see it is associated with the assignment I created in the content folder. Is this a bug or a possible user error somewhere in my process?


  • Ricardo.S.110
    Ricardo.S.110 Posts: 168

    Hi @Luis.M.8132

    Thank you for reaching out to the Brightspace Community.

    By default, assignments are named "Untitled," so it could be that you edited the Grade Out of Field before naming it. Once you click to edit the "Grade Out of Field," a grade item is automatically created, and it will be named after your assignment—which, in your case, I assume was still called "Untitled."

    Now you may edit the grade item name to reflect the name of the said assignment:

    • Go to Grades,
    • Click the dropdown menu right next to the "Untitled" grade item
    • Click Edit
    • Then you will be able to rename it.
    • Finally, save it.

    I hope this clarifies it.