Release a bespoke Navbar to all courses in a department

I'm looking at building in better customisation and personalisation for our student body using the navbars. Is there a way to bulk release a new navbar to all courses within a specific department?
I have made the navbar available to the departments I want—would these update as new courses are added? Is there a way to bulk update courses already created with the new navbar?
Hi Mary! I think there might be a way that this can be achieved, but I don't think you'd currently have access to the tool on your Brightspace site. I think it needs to be requested. I'll bring it to your CSM's attention so that they can look into the options with you.
Super, thanks Olly! Thought you had managed this magic previously, but couldn't work out if/how/where that gets set up.
I don't think I ever quite did that. I think I only ever amended the existing navbar that was used (which is much easier), rather than replacing one navbar with another.