Voice Recorded Feedback

Hello Everyone,
I have just begun using the voice recording option for giving students feedback. For some reason, some of my students do not seem to see the recorded feedback link to access it, and I don't know the student site well enough to help them navigate. Does any one have any insight on what the problem might be and what solutions are available?

Best Answer

  • Ricardo.S.110
    Ricardo.S.110 Posts: 170
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Dennis.S.630

    This sounds like a navigation issue. Are these students trying to check their feedback by visiting the activity they are being evaluated for, or are they going straight to your course grade book? Either way is possible.

    If the activity in question lives in the Assignments tool, when students access their said assignment, they will have to click on "unread" under "Feedback":

    Next, they will click your audio feedback under "attached files":

    If your activity is linked to the grade book of your course, then students can see your audio feedback file by going to the grade item associated with the said activity and clicking the audio file:

    I hope this is helpful.


  • Megan.S.88
    Megan.S.88 Posts: 117 ⏸️ Inactive

    HI @Dennis.S.630 - This could be how your students are accessing their feedback. Please ensure that they're looking at assignment feedback through the assignments tool and not through Grades, since not all assignment feedback is synced to grades (yet.)