Lack of continuity between Community and PIE

I am trying to @mention someone from the Community in the PIE but there is no continuity between user ID's. For instance, I am Mike.B.559 on Community and Mike Barker on the PIE. But there is no way (other than maybe my photo) for other users to connect the two IDs. Specifically, I am trying to mention @Megan.S.88 but when I type @Megan in the PIE I get the top 20 Megans which ends at Megan M. I pointed out this issue in a post on the PIE 3 years ago.
Tags: UX, continuity, consistency
Hi @Mike.B.559
You're 100% right- Today's PIE and Community use 2 different kinds of software and the usernames across each are different.
It won't be possible to @mention a user in PIE with their Community name.
We are steadily working to improve the Community experience.
In just over a year, we've:
- relaunched the Community on a new platform
- established single sign on between Community, PIE and the ASC Homepage
- released a Brightspace Virtual Assistant in the Learning Center
- released a new search tool (this just happened today🎉), available on all Community pages and also indexes:
- Developer documentation (valence)
- Learning Center content
- Blogs
- YouTube videosThat said, I agree with you - there's room for greater consistency and improvement across Community and PIE.
We'll continue to use our Community Roadmap and Community Updates Discussion to communicate large scale, planned changes to the Community experience - and will keep your feedback in mind as we look at new opportunities to enhance the Community experience.