How to edit

Best Answer


  • Johnny.B.962
    Johnny.B.962 Posts: 107
    edited April 2024

    Hello @David.H.68 what exactly are you looking to edit? I'd be happy to assist!

    D2L LAM

  • David.H.68
    David.H.68 Posts: 3 🔍

    I'm trying to add content to the title that is now 9, so it matches the Week titles below e.g. Week 2 etc. 9 should read "Week 1 9/2-9/8 etc" like the Week titles below.

  • @David.H.68 once you have the module selected/open like you do in the image you sent me. The title of the module should appear at the top of the page, so if you were to scroll up slightly from where you were in this image you would see that "9" up at the top. Select it and you can edit the name, then use the Enter key on your keyboard to save it.

    Hope that helps!

    D2L LAM