Notifications within Portfolio Tool

Hi everyone,

My question is about the portfolio resource which is wonderful; however, our team has faced various issues resulting in significant extra work. I have already asked several questions on the Portfolio tool. Here is another one:

Is there any notification system within portfolio that could inform a teacher when her students add their evidence/work on the portfolio?

Is there notification system within portfolio that could inform the learners when their teacher provides feedback on their work/evidence?



  • Shobhit.S.365
    Shobhit.S.365 Posts: 26
    edited March 2024

    Hi @Uzma.S.801

    Thank you for reaching us through the community

    We appreciate your feedback and have identified this as a feature request. I have found an existing PIE idea that matches your query.

    As you deem appropriate, kindly leave your comments and promote this idea.

    Notification when students add to the portfolio

    Notifications for Portfolio when Teacher Feedback is available

    The Product Idea Exchange is designed for direct submission by our clients and end users to our Product Development organization and has the following advantages:

    • Allows you to receive direct updates on each request you submit

    • Allows other community members to vote on ideas

    • Allows other community members to contribute to and collaborate on each idea

    • Ensures ideas that have the greatest impact on our clients and end users receive consideration for inclusion in future releases.

     We look forward to hearing from you at the Product Idea Exchange!

    Kind Regards,

    Shobhit Sachdeva

  • Uzma.S.801
    Uzma.S.801 Posts: 15 🌱

    Hi Shobhit,

    Thanks for letting me know that it is currently not possible to get/send notification via the Portfolio app.

