SIS Integration with Ellucian Colleague

Harold.H.332 Posts: 2 Analytics Builder Transition
edited March 2024 in Higher Ed / Postsecondary
My institution is currently setting up SIS integration between our ERP system, Colleague, and Brightspace. Any feedback feedback you can provide about your experiences would be helpful, particularly around issues like how to associate courses with programs. That doesn't seem possible (or at least easy).


  • Stefanie.B.518
    Stefanie.B.518 Posts: 570 admin

    Hi @Harold.H.332
    You're going to have to forgive me a bit here because SIS is not my strength skill- but I've connected with a few folks here at D2L who know a bunch!

    Here's what they've shared back with me

    If you're looking to set up programs, you will need do this separately from the SIS ILP integration, as ILP does not know about these levels. 

    The relationships can be set up in many different ways (API, manually, etc.).

    I'm not sure if this is exactly the feedback you're looking for or if you have a few follow up questions.

    If you do- leave me a reply here and use the @ function here in the chat. It will tag me back into the conversation and help me track down some more information for you.

    Grateful to you for connecting here in Community and posting your question!