Formula grade items - weighted?


I'm trying to create a gradebook item that gives the maximum of two other grades, and this new grade should be worth 30% of the course grade.

So far, I am suspecting that formula items can't be given weights in BS's weighted grading system, and this seems to result in this item being completely ignored in my course grades (which is a really big problem).

Is there a way around this? Something I'm not clicking, or a workaround?



  • Johnny.B.962


    The Formula Grade item is just a way to make a calculation based on other Grade items and cannot be given an individual weight. It would just be a marker for the instructor/student to see. This is true of the Calculated Grade item as well. If you wanted that calculation to have some weight, then you would want to change the Grades to using Formula calculation and duplicate the formula in the Final Grade formula in addition to adding up everything else in Grades as you'd like.

    Hope that helps,
