Has anyone successfully implemented compliance training within their "main" instance of Brightspace?


My team increasingly has requests to run a variety of compliance type trainings out of the same instance of Brightspace that is used for academic instruction. While "technically" easy to do, there are obviously differences in the needs of the folks running these trainings vs. a typical faculty member. Has anyone successfully done this, have suggestions, or cautionary tales?


  • Alfredo.F.151

    Hi, Kevin!

    The first step here is to copy your Student role and create a Student role for PD. This new role is like a Student but assigned to an Instructor, for example. With this, you may differentiate the types of Students in your Datasets and facilitate the Compliance training.

    The second important thing to consider is to talk with your CSM and Sales exec because If an Instructor becomes a Student, your Sturend licensing will grow and you must consider this affection in your current contract.

    I hope this helps you!