Troubleshooting tips for slow HTML editor loading?

Posts: 134 Analytics Builder Transition
One instructional designer encounters slow loading times for their HTML editor. It seems to only affect this one user, so I assume it's an internet connection/VPN issue. Any troubleshooting tips for them? I've told them that the next time it happens to try the following:
- Try a different browser (they're on Chrome)
- Try creating a new HTML topic (right now they're trying to edit a topic, so maybe it's an issue with the HTML in their existing topic)
- …?
Hello @Maureen.B.923
Thank you for contacting us via Brightspace Community!
May I suggest you to open a support ticket with us for a more in-depth investigation into this issue. Please include additional details such as device and browser specifications to assist with the troubleshooting process.
Kind Regards,