Cannot search for super admins when trying to enrol in class

I'm trying to enrol myself (super admin) into a test course offering.
But when searching for existing users, my user does not appear.
It has something to do with role interactions, I believe. But the settings look ok to me:
You not showing up has to do with the role preferences/settings and not this screen.
In your settings your role is probably a cascading role, so you are already enrolled into every course in the instance. There is also a setting/checkbox for display role on classlist. If that is unchecked you won't see yourself. But this is a good thing as you would start getting a bunch of emails if you are visible.
I see, thanks a lot for the explanation. And yes, super admin is a cascading role.
@Reto Hoehener I hope I am remembering this correctly from back when we set up our site. If you ever need to enroll a cascading user into a course, you can do it from Users in the admin panel. But again, if I remember correctly, when you enroll a superadmin as an instructor or a student into a course the superpowers of that account are lost when inside that particular course.
We have special accounts made for admins that are different from the regular college accounts. If you want a cascading role to not have admin rights in a course you would have to go into users tool and view enrollments then unenroll that admin role for that specific course then enroll as a faculty or student.