Previewing Grades and Comments for an Individual Student

It is not possible to use the "preview" feature for the last student in the grade book. To fix this I have changed the setting from last name to first name so that student is no longer last.
However, I have a course with only one student in it and I'm wondering how I can preview that student's information.
Hello Chelsey,
You should be able to click the preview button and see the preview pop-up. This may be your browser or screen settings. Maybe try to adjust the window size to see if that works for you. If the problem persists, I suggest reaching out to your administrator.
@Stan.S.520 It doesn't seem to be a browser or screen settings issues. It's literally the last student can't be viewed because "preview" isn't clickable. This means no preview pop-up will ever appear.
When I have only one student in a course I can't click on that student — even though that one name is in the center of my screen.
Does clicking preview on the last student work for you?
Hi Chelsea. Yes, clicking on the last student does work for me. I can see preview for a one student course as well. Maybe report it to your administrator?
Hi Stan, thanks for letting me know it works for you. So strange…