LOR - Broad Overview and Explanation?

Brock.P.633 Posts: 16 🌱
edited December 2023 in Higher Ed / Postsecondary

Hi - I have looked at the documentation for the LOR, but most of it is focused on how to do things, not what they are and what they mean.

For example, "Associate trusts with a repository." What does this mean? What is it for?

Is there a high-level overview and introduction to the LOR anywhere?




Best Answer

  • Dana.K.940
    Dana.K.940 Posts: 9
    Answer ✓

    Hi Brock,

    Great question! I'll start with a pull from docs, but add some context after: "Brightspace Learning Object Repository (LOR) is an online library for storing, managing, and sharing your learning objects. A learning object can be a quiz, presentation, image, video, or any other kind of document or file you use to create course content and learning materials for online learning".

    Your question "For example, "Associate trusts with a repository." What does this mean? What is it for?" - If you imagine the LOR as a giant filing cabinet with separate keys for each file drawer, an an admin can use what is referred to as a "trust" to allow people/lock people out of certain drawers of the filing cabinet. There is certainly more to the set up than what I have stated above, but that is a simplified version of it.

    The most straightforward use of the LOR is for documents/items (learning objects) that are used by many, but maintained by few/one. Put simply: it is great place to store stuff or get stuff. If your organization has a bunch of content they want to ensure is shared in all courses (policies, FAQs, support are some examples), the LOR is a great option; if desired, a learning object can be set up so that anytime the original learning object is updated, all those who are using that shared learning object will also have their learning objects updated. Referring back to the filing cabinet comparison above, it also means your organization may choose to set up filing cabinets (learning repositories) that are available for people to share to/use things from. Depending on what the goal is, those "trusts" we talked about above may be set up so that people have permission to use shared items but not contribute items of their own (with the idea of making sure those who share learning objects are those most qualified).


  • Brock.P.633
    Brock.P.633 Posts: 16 🌱

    Hi Dana, thanks for this!

    I was guessing that a trust was equivalent to a role and its various permissions, but it seems like another layer of permission/restriction on top of the original roles. The keys to the filing cabinet analogy is a good one that helps clarify the intended use, and I see the 'key' icons in the LOR reinforce that idea, so thanks for this description.

    Since you seem to have insight into how the LOR works, do you mind if I ask how you gained this insight? Training? Familiarity with LOR-like tools in other LMSes or CMSes?

    Thanks for the reply!

  • Hi Brock,

    So glad to hear it helped. You are correct that the trust is more than just roles/permissions - very much like another layer.

    I have set up a number of repositories (a long, long time ago) and delivered a few training sessions on the LOR in my past role as a trainer. I have also attended an LOR training session when I was learning about the product and found it helpful.

