Can I show different versions of content based on the User profile?
Is it possible to show/hide embedded coding (or a widget) based on the User Role? Within Course homepages, we would like to include orientation resources for each User Role type, which matches the level and type of engagement they would have with the site.
e.g. on a Course homepage, for students we want to include a resource which highlights how to navigate the site, but for Administrators we want the same resource but with the additional technical info on how to edit Course components.
I am aware you can "hide" course Units from students but ideally we'd have this as a widget.
Any guidance on what is possible is most welcome!
Best Answer
You can use release conditions to show content to specific users. User role is one of those release conditions.
On the content topic/module select create a release condition > Conditiontype "Role in current org unit" > and then select enrolled as "role"
This would mean you can have entire parts of the content only available to some users.
Custom Widgets can also have release conditions.
Hi Chris,
You can edit the release conditions of that widget.
Course Admin > Widgets > Edit the widget:
Release Conditions > Create a New Release Condition:
I recommend reviewing the documentation about widgets as well:
You can create copies with different release conditions.
I hope it helps.
Ah brilliant thanks for the info - this is exactly what I was hoping we could do, will give it a try now.