Send Creation Email When Using IPSIS?

When using IPSIS to create new Users on Brightspace, are they notified via email that their user account has been created when the IPSIS batch runs?
When you create a new user on Brightspace manually, it will Send a Creation Email.
Just wanted to know what happens before we run the IPSIS.
Thank you!
Best Answer
Hi Shawn,
Thank you for your question.
In the current version of Brightpsace(LE) the feature to send out creation emails to users who are created through IPSIS deos not exist.
I kindly request you to upvote the below feature request as it aligns to your ask,
IPSIS - Generate user account creation emails (D9296)
Direct Link:
Thanks Nik!
Thanks Nik!
Nik, I'm not famialr with the Brightspace Idea Site. When I click on the link, it takes me to a login screen that I don't seem to have access to. Any ideas?
Nik, disregard my last post regarding the Brightspace Idea Site! Sorry.