I saved an assignment score (with a rubric) as draft, but release conditions are being evaluated...

I saved an assignment score (with a rubric) as draft, but release conditions are being evaluated for it?
Is this a bug or by design?
I have an Award associated with the release condition, "User achieves a score of Level 3 on Rubric X". I evaluated the assignments, but SAVED THEM AS DRAFT. Now users are receiving their awards - they can't see their feedback or score on the assignment, but they're getting their Award.
Hi @Maureen Barrow !
What you're seeing is as designed, as a direct result of the auto-save functionality of rubrics. Rubrics auto-save even though the evaluation overall is in draft and hasn't been released to the learner yet. The development team will be addressing this in a future release.
Thanks @Mary MacDonald !!! This answer helped.
Resurrecting this because I'm having a somewhat similar issue with the draft vs published issue. I'm digging into the data sets to get the assessed levels for the standards/learning outcomes that were attached to an assignment, either with or without a rubric. The submissions have not been published, but are saved as draft - yet the Assessed Date column in the Outcomes Demonstrations data set includes the date/time of when it was saved as a draft even though it has not been completely assessed and published to the student yet. Is there any way to tell if it's a draft or actually published within the data sets? I need to filter out the drafts so that my data matches what I'm seeing in the Mastery View for the activities that include each outcome.
Hi @Jennifer.Wagner3830 - I'll take this back to the project manager to get you some information.
Hi @Jennifer.Wagner3830 - The Outcomes Demonstrations data set does not contain a status of the evaluation, but the assignments data set should have that information. In the assignments data sets you should be able to identify which evaluations are draft vs. which ones are published and filter the Outcomes Demonstrations based upon that status.
Best Regards,
@Michael Moo799 Thanks Mike, I think I see how to do it now using IsGraded in Assignment Submissions.
@MMac4280 Is there any news yet on when this issue will be addressed? Instructors I support are having the same issue with the awards they are setting up that are tied to student performance in assessment - it is preventing them from using rubrics as they are intended, because otherwise the student would get evaluation information about their submission far too early.
@Michael.M.227 Can you comment on @Rosemary.P.774's question here?