How do I import IMSCC files?
Posts: 5 🔍
I would love to use my textbook to it's fullest capacity, and import the test banks to my course. How do I import files with the .IMSCC file extension?
Thank you,
Sara Salter, BS RDH
Thank you,
Sara Salter, BS RDH
Best Answer
Hi Sara,
Yes Brightspace supports the import for the following formats (in addition to other course package formats):
- IMS Common Cartridge 1.1, 1.2, 1.3
- IMS Thin Common Cartridge 1.3
- IMS Content Packaging 1.2
- QTI 1.2, QTI 2.1 (Partial)
Documentation covering the steps to import/add the content into your course(s) is available from:
Hope that helps!
- IMS Common Cartridge 1.1, 1.2, 1.3
Hello Chris -
Thank you for answering my question… and I have to admit to some embarrassment. You see, when I'd tried importing those .imscc files previously, for whatever reason, I couldn't make it happen. Immediately after typing that question, I tried it one last time… and it worked! So, just like having someone in the room when you're trying to demonstrate that something isn't working on the computer… it miraculously functions just fine.
Sara Salter BS, RDH