Higher Ed/Postsecondary

Drpobox Issue

Chris.B.569 Posts: 2 🌱
edited October 2023 in Higher Ed / Postsecondary

We've had a couple of instructors notice a new issue when grading in Dropbox.  Certain pdfs turned in to Dropbox behave strangely when we try to highlight a section and copy it into something else.
Here's an example in a video: 
A live course that is having that issue is this one: 
Jaclyn Roberts paper for the Chapter 5 Dropbox behaves this way.

I wonder if this is related to the recent PSPDFKit Annotations tool update in Assignments.




  • Hello @Chris.B.569

    As this issue may require additional testing, we feel it is best addressed via a dedicated Support case.

    We will reach out directly via a Support case to get additional details so we can take a look and update further.



  • Megan.M.458
    Megan.M.458 Posts: 2 🔍
    I've been having this issue as well, and no one has been able to help as of yet. It makes it much more difficult to annotate and provide effective feedback.


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