Is there a sizing option with the Flip Cards in Creator +

I've been trying the flip cards element using both the V2 and V3 templates and the element renders differently between V2 and V3. Furthermore, the Creator + training site examples show multiple sizing options for the cards. I could not reduce the size in either version of the templates. I can only add cards resembling the book cover examples from the Flip Cards topic in the Insert Elements: Best Practices module.
The text in the title field is not responsive in the V2 Basic Page - No Banner template.
I've included images, but I'm not sure if you can see the discrepancy in height. At least you can see the title is not responsive.
Any insight is appreciated.
Best Answer
Hey @Aaron.S.388, thanks for brining this up!
You're right, in the Creator+ Best Practices course you can see differently-sized Flip Cards. This is because the cards are responsive to the amount of content they contain on both the front and back. The cards will constrain to the amount of content in the "longest" card to create a uniform row. This prevents cards being different sizes. In the Creator+ Best Practices example, I had some cards with very limited text on the back to create a shorter row of cards.
Cards will also be shorter if there are less cards in a row. So, a row of two cards should give you different lengths of cards than a row with four cards.
All that being said, my suggestion would be to consider editing the amount of text on the back of your cards. If this isn't possible, consider splitting these up into two rows with two cards each. This will change up the size and may be more aligned with what you're looking for.
Hopefully this suggestion can solve your issue. If you have any feedback about how to improve the Flip Card experience, please let me know! We're always looking to make improvements based on user feedback.
Hi @Aaron.S.388 ,
Thanks for connecting your question with community! It's a great one that you have posed! I'd love to learn along with you and have connected your question with our Creator + experts for them to take a look and provide recommendations. Stay tuned😀
Thanks, Joey. I did not reduce the text on the back of the card. I will try that.