Is it possible to Enrol learners on a new course, based on the results of a quiz, or what they...

Christina.T.727 Posts: 32 🧭
edited November 2022 in Customer Enablement

Is it possible to Enrol learners on a new course, based on the results of a quiz, or what they selected in a checklist?

I know you can release units within same course based on the results of a quiz or options selected in the checklist. But can't find anything that says if you can enrol them on a new course.


Best Answer


  • Christina.T.727
    Christina.T.727 Posts: 32 🧭
    edited November 2022

    @Dhruvi Bhavsar​  - Thank you, I thought this was likely the case.

  • Jeff.G.65
    Jeff.G.65 Posts: 8
    edited November 2022

    Hi @Christina Tidy​ - One workaround is to use Intelligent Agents, which support release conditions (so can be setup to perform actions based on quiz results or checklist completion) and can be configured to perform an enrollment. One caveat is that agents run on a schedule, so at best you can set it up to run nightly - which means students wont get enrolled immediately upon completing the quiz or checklist item.


    Hope this helps :)