In Gradebook, Default Grade Value

Hello, can we setup a default grade value beside "None"?

Like Default Grade Value set to 100?

Please Help


Best Answer

  • Jeffrey.M.844
    Jeffrey.M.844 Posts: 67
    edited September 2023 Answer ✓

    Hello @Muhammad.R.564,

    When you say 'Default Grade Value', are you referring to the denominator of an individual grade item — the 'out of' score or Maximum Points — or are you referring to the overall final grade that the user will see? Or something else?

    Assuming you are referring to the denominator of a grade item — the 'out of' score or Maximum Points — this is defaulted to 10, and currently there is no way to change the default. You can override that denominator by editing the individual grade items, but you cannot default the denominator to another value.

    Assuming you are referring to the assigned grade of the overall Final Grade (i.e 100%), then it not exactly. This is because the Final Grade is based on the values assigned to individual grade items.

    Having said this, there are a couple of different Grade Settings that determine how ungraded items are treated, which in turn may have the desired effect:

    Let's assume a gradebook of 10 grade items, each worth 10 points, totaling 100 points.

    If you have Drop ungraded items selected, the user's Final Grade will be based on only the items completed up until that point. So, if a user scored 10/10 on their first assignment and was not assessed on any other course work, their Final Grade would display at 100%,

    On the other have, if you have Treat ungraded items as 0 selected, the user's Final Grade will be based on all grade items, including those not yet assessed. Therefore, in this same scenario, their Final Grade would display as 10%.

    I hope that helps!


    Learning Administration Manager