New Content Experience - Instructor Preference

How do I allow my instructors the ability to turn on/off the New Content Experience at their discretion?
Thank you!
Best Answer
Hi Bryan
This change can be made by users who have been assigned the Super Administrator or Administrator role at the Organization level, provided they have the Can See/Edit Config Variable Values permission at the Organization level.
To enable instructors to turn on/off the New Content Experience at their discretion:
- Access Config Variable Browser from the Admin cog.
- Enter lessons in the Search field and click Search.
- Select d2l.Tools.Content.ChooseContentExperience ( Role ).
- Select Add Value.
- From the Role list, select Instructor.
- From the Value list, select on.
A note of caution: if Instructors change the content experience in a course which has learners/students enrolled, the change will also be visible to the learners. We therefore recommend changing the content experience ONLY while a course is in development or when it is no longer accessible by learners/students.
Kind regards
Thank you so much for your help, Natasha. I will keep that in mind as we explore this option.