Why do our course units tell learners they haven't completed a section when they have?

Katy.C.204 Posts: 5 🌱
edited September 2023 in Corporate

We have an online course, divided into units then sections. At the end of each unit it comes up with a page similar to the one attached, saying certain sections haven't been completed, even though there is nothing in these sections for them to complete (apart from read them!) There is nothing they have to click in order to 'complete' a section, so I don't understand why this is happening. Can anyone help? Thanks!


Best Answer


  • Hi Koty,

    Thank you for reaching out to us through community.

    May I know whether there are any content items that are hidden from users but still set as Required to complete in this course?

    If not, I would recommend you to please open a suport case and we can check this further for you. Do you have once opened already?



  • Katy.C.204
    Katy.C.204 Posts: 5 🌱

    Thanks for your response Sreelakshmi - no I haven't opened a support case for this, but will do so now.

  • Katy.C.204
    Katy.C.204 Posts: 5 🌱

    Sorry Sreelakshmi - I can't find where to open a support case 🤔