Can I copy Creator Plus Elements and Practices to a website?

Is there an embed code or some way to copy/post Creator Plus Elements and Practices to external sources like a website or ppt? I am working with a Dean of Advising who has created excellent Accordions, Timelines and Quizzes in Creator Plus and would love to embed them into her website in addition to her BrS page.



  • Steve.B.446
    Steve.B.446 Posts: 101 🎓

    It might work on a website, but you may need to edit the code to make a few references to other files work. I'll leave it to somebody from D2L to comment on whether that would be acceptable under the license!

    I can't imagine it working in PowerPoint other than in an embedded browser type hack.

  • Julie.C.934
    Julie.C.934 Posts: 5 🌱

    We tried editing the html code. That didn't work!.