Are course links editable?

Is it possible to edit a course link to include the course title? i.e.: Are you able to manually edit the URL for a course? Like can you make it HIST-101?

Best Answer

  • Jeffrey.M.844
    Jeffrey.M.844 Posts: 67
    edited July 2023 Answer ✓

    Good Afternoon @Beth.P.375,

    This is not currently possible. I would encourage you to log a feature request in the Product Ideas Exchange (PIE), or alternatively, upvote an existing request that matches. In either case, it would be useful to our product team, and other Brightspace users, if you could include detailed information about the use case and how this would improve things or, conversely, how not being able to do this impacts your use of Brightspace.

    If you do end up finding a matching a request or logging a request of your own, I would also encourage you to reply back here with a link to that PIE item so others who stumble across this discussion can link through and upvote if they are interested.

    I hope that helps!


    Learning Administration Manager