Can BrightSpace confirm that the "Short Description" field for Quiz questions is NEVER...

Can BrightSpace confirm that the "Short Description" field for Quiz questions is NEVER accessible by students taking a Quiz (even using DevTools to look at the raw HTML)?
It is tempting to name Quiz questions in a way that may give away the answer. Obviously this would be a bad idea if the "Short Description" field ever leaks through to the student. Can BrightSpace state definitively that this won't happen? I have not been able to find any documentation about this.
Hi @Adam Krawitz ,
The Short Description field for quiz questions is only accessible to instructors from Question Library. The purpose of this field is to differentiate it from other quiz questions in the Question Library. Learners cannot see this field when taking a quiz or using any kind of dev tools to see the raw HTML.
I can see where instructors might be confused about this, since Short Description appears when you view the individual question, but Name appears when you view all questions in the Question Library (the Short Description for each quiz question is what displays under the Name column). For consistency and clarity, Short Description should be renamed to Name.
Thanks for pointing this out, Adam. Have a great day!
Thanks @Geoff M.! I greatly appreciate your (clear and concise) answer.