Why don't quiz results show up in Grades tab?

I've done several assignments and one quiz with my class; all have been graded. All the assignments show up under the Grades tab, but the quiz doesn't. Why not?

Best Answer

  • Heba.A.271
    Heba.A.271 Posts: 85
    Answer ✓

    Hi Lilly,

    Thank you for reaching Brightspace community !

    Can you check if the quiz is added to the Gradebook ?

    Go to the Quiz> Edit quiz > Grade out of

    Hope this helps !



  • Lilly.B.489
    Lilly.B.489 Posts: 7 🌱

    Well, that was simple, thank you! I don't recall ever selecting that setting; must be that the default for assignments is to add to the grade book but the default for quizzes is to not. :-)