track received/read emails

How can I track if my emails (to parents, sent from Brightspace mail) have been received and/or read by the recipient?


  • Bharti.B.332
    Bharti.B.332 Posts: 102

    Hello ,

    Thank you for reaching us through Brightspace Community!

    If Send Only mail setup is configured, everything is sent to the email provider, so all read receipts are received there.

    If you are using internal email, you can accomplish this by going into the Email>Settings section and checking the box for "track activity for messages sent to internal email addresses.

    It is necessary for the role to have the permission "See the Activity Logs for Sent Email Messages" enabled at the Organization and Course Offering Levels to see the above mentioned setting.

    More information on the setting can be found in the below knowledge base article.

    Should you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact.


  • Posts: 2 🔍
    edited June 2023

    Sorry this isn't really helpful to me as a classroom teacher.

    I only have access to my "Course Level" settings. How can I check if this is enabled at the "Organization" level (TDSB)?

    thanks again

  • Bharti.B.332
    Bharti.B.332 Posts: 102

    Hello .

    Thanks for the update and additional details.

    We understand how your Instructor role will be limiting the views and options in the Learning Environment.

    However, since Roles and Permissions are outside the domain of D2L, as in - only Org Admins/ Delcs are authorized to change them (if need be), we kindly ask you reach to the local Org Admin/ Delc to discuss this in further detail. They can assist with sharing additional details on your request, suggest any possible work arounds, or grant additional permissions to your role.

    I hope this helps.

    Thanks and Regards,
