Randomly selecting quiz questions from a Question Library

I have been away from Brightspace for over a year and I'm now getting back into using it again. I have created two sets of questions within the Question Library for a course and I want to be able to randomly select a subset of those questions. For example, there are 40 questions in the Library pool, most are worth 2 points each, with some Matching and Ordering questions worth 8 to 12 points. I want to create a quiz/exam worth 100 points total. Is there an automated way to do this?

Best Answer

  • Bharti.B.332
    Bharti.B.332 Posts: 110
    Answer ✓

    Hello @Alan.W.861

    Thank you for reaching out to Brightspace Community.

    Going through your question details, we feel it is best addressed via a dedicated Support case, as we would need to check and review course and quiz specific details and settings

    We will reach out directly via a Support case to get additional details so we can take a look and update further.


