I am trying to attach a rubric to an assignment and the Add Rubric button is missing. I was able...

Ellen.Makkas4180 Posts: 2 🌱
edited November 2022 in Customer Enablement

I am trying to attach a rubric to an assignment and the Add Rubric button is missing. I was able to attach previously rubrics in my course, but now I am unable to. What would be the cause(s) for this, and how would I correct this? Please and thank you!

I have read through other forums and there was mention of the Competencies Tool being turned on/off. We recently acquired Brightspace as our new LMS and are still organizing our instance, and I was just informed that it has been turned off. Would this be the reason? If so, the Competencies check box in rubrics is still available and checked. And to clarify if this is the cause, is there a way around being able to use Rubrics without the Competencies tool?



  • Martin.M.877
    Martin.M.877 Posts: 9
    edited November 2022

    Hi @Ellen Makkas​ , Competencies tool must be on as the Rubrics tool has a dependency on it. There is no way around it currently although our teams are working on it.


    You can also ensure the following permissions are set for your instructor type roles (folks who can create/modify/manage and evaluate with Rubrics:



    [X] See and Manage Assignment Submission Folders

    [X] Edit Evaluation properties.

    [X]View Submitted Files

    [X]View Feedback

    [X]Give Feedback



    [X]See Competencies

    [X]Manage Competencies

    [X]Create New Activities

    [X]Delete Activities

    [X]Edit Activities **<< Previously not required but required for New Assignment Creation Experiences **



    [X]See Rubrics

    [X]Manage Rubrics

    [X]Create and Edit Rubrics


    Let me know how you go


  • Ellen.Makkas4180
    Ellen.Makkas4180 Posts: 2 🌱
    edited November 2022

    @Martin Montgomery​  Thanks for your quick response! They did turn the Competency tool back on and it resolved the issue. I shared your permissions checklist also with the appropriate team which they reviewed was also matching. Thanks so much!