How do I set up (lab) groups for a course with 3 sections (~20 students per section)? Each...

Jonathan.W.3544 Posts: 1 🌱
edited November 2022 in Customer Enablement

How do I set up (lab) groups for a course with 3 sections (~20 students per section)? Each section has a weekly Lab due via dropbox on a different day of the week. The students complete the labs in groups of 2/3.

I have 3 different sections with ~20 students per section.

Each section has their lab report due on a different day of the week.

The primarily group size = 2 but some groups of 1 and 3 (Student choice to triple up or individual for unpaired students).

Most student groups are already known (chosen on paper via jamboard).

Students can only belong to one lab group in one section. The groups will be consistent for the term. Although minor changes for students dropping, adding, etc.

Students in the same lab group should automatically receive the same mark.

There are 10 Labs in total using a dropbox submission (pdf) with rubric grading.


Thank you in advance, I have been struggling with completing this task.


Any help would be appreciated.



  • Sophie.McGown8150
    Sophie.McGown8150 Posts: 62
    edited November 2022

    Hi @Jonathan Walsh​ this is quite the question!

    So, first off, we'll need to create the groups in Brightspace. By the sounds of things, you already know the number of groups in each section and could probably manually assign everyone to those groups. Just an FYI, we do have self enrollment groups where you could say there will be X number of groups, max X number, and so students could enroll themselves into them to save you doing this step in future.

    For now, you may have to manually create those groups in Brightspace though. Quick note here, when you create the groups choose to 'restrict enrollment' to your sections to make things easier!

    From there, you can go and create your assignments, select submission type = group, and then selecting the correct section group categories and use release conditions so that only Section 1/2/3 see that assignment.

    Once you've created an assignment for section 1, week 1, you can copy that and just change the dates/names to save you time.

    Only outstanding question - do the grades need to go into gradebook?

    Hope the above makes sense by the way, if you have questions do just ask and can answer them here.


  • Scotty.Robinson5392
    edited November 2022

    This is a great topic! I've created a permanent Knowledge Base Article in the Community based on this. Thanks and keep the questions coming! Thanks @Sophie McGown​  as always for your expertise!


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