Turn of notifications

Is there a way I can turn off notifications that show up for students in the update alerts icon every time I add or adjust content in the course? I know you can alert students when content is changed by selecting that box, but can you stop a notification from going out every time new files are added or edited?


  • Heba.A.271
    Heba.A.271 Posts: 85

    Hi Lindsey,

    Thank you for reaching Brightspace community!

    There are two configs d2l.Tools.Content.AllowCreationNotifications( org level) and d2l.Tools.Content.
    AllowOverviewNotifications that will allow users to be notified about new published content and course overview updates that can be edit as per the need. Resource

    Users may also personalize their Notifications by turning it off if no needed as shown below:

    Incase you are using Classic content Experience there is an ability for instructors to choose whether learners get notified about content updates or not.

    You may also try making the module hidden first and once you are done with editing you can make visible.

    hope this helps!
