When enrolling people on courses using user collections, and selecting the role to enroll them...

Christina.T.727 Posts: 34 🧭
edited November 2022 in Customer Enablement

When enrolling people on courses using user collections, and selecting the role to enroll them in. What happens if a course has sections?

We have set up our sections as manual enrolment and therefore do not want people automatically being enrolled in a section when we enrol them on a course using user collections. As this would give people access to view personal data for people who are not in their section


We would then enrol people into the sections manually.


Best Answer

  • Meredith.S.894
    Meredith.S.894 Posts: 48
    edited November 2022 Answer ✓

    You will need to perform the enrollment in 2 steps: first enrolling the collections at the course offering level, then enrolling collections in the appropriate sections. Confirm that your learner role will not automatically be enrolled into all sections of a course by going to Roles and Permissions, selecting the dropdown menu beside the role and opening Role Settings. Scroll down to the bottom to adjust section enrollment behaviour.