How can I print gradebook details for one student?

Michelle.B.359 Posts: 8 🌱

I want to be able to take the grades for one student and print them out if requested by school supports.

I can go to grades and click on a student. I get a nice breakdown of the grades but it is not easily shareable or printable.


  • Matt.W.287
    Matt.W.287 Posts: 61

    Hi Michelle

    Brightspace doesn't presently have a tool for exporting individual students in a report layout.

    You can export the grades for the course from the Enter Grades page and then filter that result for your desired user be deleting the unneeded rows. Admittedly, this is not a 'pretty' result though. You would need to take that result (the single data row for the one user you were looking at) and transpose it so the grade items were row headers and the grade data was the second column in the spreadsheet. That would be more printable output.

    You can do a similar thing with the Data Hub output as well, if you combine data sets in Excel or some other Business Intelligence (BI) tool. Then you can create all sorts of layouts with it.

    I hope that's helpful