Student view of survey responses

Hi everyone,

Our students would like to review their survey responses after submitting their survey. I am thinking this is probably a permissions selection. Does anyone know which permission for the Student role on Surveys would allow this view?

Thanks in advance,



  • Rusha.S.831
    Rusha.S.831 Posts: 122

    Hello @Linda.Beith2439,

    Thank you for reaching out to us via Brightspace Community!

    Unfortunately, currently, it is not possible for students to view their survey responses but I found this idea on our Product Idea Exchange - Survey - Enable Submission Views Tab for Students! (D4622)

    The Product Idea Exchange is designed for users like you to send direct submissions to our Product Development organization.
    • It allows you to receive direct updates on each request you submit
    • It allows other community members to vote on ideas
    • It allows other community members to contribute to and collaborate on each idea
    • It ensures ideas that have the greatest impact on our clients and end users receive consideration for inclusion in future

    Kind Regards,
