Please see below:
I am trying to make a “randomized” assignment, so students don't all get the same questions (similar to a question pool for a test, except for an assignment). What I have done is created 4 different documents to attach to the assignment instructions to give to the students to work on, however I only want each student to only see the one they need to be working on. Then I want them to each individually complete their specific assignment and attach a file with their answers to submit. What I was trying to do is create an assignment in Bb where it gives the student one of the four different versions of the assignment randomly, but I am not sure if this is even possible or how to do this?
Hi Shawn,
Have you considered setting these assignments as Group restricted (Single member group)
The groups can be self enrolled, so based on what group a student picks, he/ she gets the assignment for that group.
A new group category may be created and dropox space may be set at the time of creation.
Is this something that may help?