On this new Brightspace Community, there needs to be a Share button to share the initial post.

I need a better way to share posts on this community.
For example when I Ask a Question and get a response. I get an email with a link/button to see the response that brings me right to the comment. This is a good feature.
However, if I copy the URL while reading the new comment it gives me a URL with a direct link to the last comment and not at the begining where the post is for my reader to read from the top down.
I have to go into my profile, click on My Discussions or Bookmarks, find the post, copy the URL and then remove “#latest” so my reader can see the initial question asked to start from the top.
There is no share button that I can see on the initial post. Here is a screenshot:
Best Answer
Hey @nichole.gladky3425,
Thanks for providing your feedback here in the Brightspace Community.
Pro tip:You can click the time/ date under the profile picture for the Original Poster to refresh the URL link to be able to share a particular disucssion thread at the top.
Currently we are aware that our links default to #latest for when you click into the discussion.
- Our Vendor is aware of this. The #latest takes a user to the latest post they have read in the thread and is unique to the Community Members progress in reading a particular discussion thread.
- Thus - if you are sharing a discussion thread with a user who has never read the particular discussion, their #latest url would take them to the top of a thread.
We are continuing to connect your feedback with our Community vendor to better serve your requirements and enhance your community experience.