What is the limit on the number of rows (students) of grades that display?

It seems that the more grade items I have, the fewer rows of students that display. What is the actual limit?
Best Answer
Hey @Julie.Sharma8684,
Thank you for contacting us via Community.
There is a max limit on how much data is displayed on the screen—the more grade items you have in the grade book, the fewer students can be displayed at once. So when you have a class with more grade items, the max number of students is smaller.
You can work around this by hiding some of the grade columns. So if you aren't working on the last two units in your course right now, hide those units (More Actions -> Hide/Show Columns), and you should be able to see more students in the list.
I hope this helps.
@Aasim Yac947 thank you so much for posting this response!
FYI, from my testing, the limits are based on the number of columns that are visible in the gradebook at the given moment: > 80 columns = 20 rows max, 41-80 columns = 50 rows max, 21-40 columns = 100 rows max, 20 columns or less = 200 rows max. I have a class of 60 students, so I need to make sure I only have 40 columns or less visible to be able to see all the students on one page.