Quiz description not visible to learners

I am experiencing a new issue where the quiz description exists and is visible to the course manager and Staff, but when impersonating a student the description is not visible.
The quiz itself is visible. I have tried removing the description, saving, adding it back, saving again, which did not help. Students are in the course and have taken a few of these quizzes so I cannot remove or import a new copy.
Is this a Brightspace issue that anyone else has experienced?
Hi Kassandra,
Is this happening for more than one quiz, in more than one course?
If in the same course, but multiple quizzes, were these quizzes created in this course or brought in another way?Have you tried creating a new sample quiz in this course (you could hide it from users since there are students accessing this course) to see if the description is visible in a newly created quiz? That would help determine where the issue might reside.
I was not able to replicate this issue in testing with a newly created quiz in a course.
Hi Janet. Yes, it is happening for about half of the quizzes in the course. I was able to delete and re-import one of the quizzes which had this issue and it resolved the issue for that quiz. However, because the course is ‘live’ students have submitted attempts to the other quizzes and I don't want to delete their attempts by re-importing.